Effective Tips to Increase Height
Everyone wants to look tall and beautiful. A good height adds that extra oomph to your personality. Taller persons look more attractive than the short individuals. It also boosts your confidence when you are with others in a social gathering. A good height is a boom in many ways. Most of the clothes fit well on a taller person. Moreover, they don’t have to worry about little weight gain as those extra weights get camouflage by the height.
But height is one thing that is decided by genes. And it is perceived that you can’t do anything to increase your height. Though height is mostly dependent on the types of genetic lineage, you can still carry a hope to have a good height by following certain tips to increase height. You don’t need to get hopeless about height. In many cases, it has been found that height is increased even after 18 years of age if proper diet and exercise has been followed. Listed here are some of the tips to increase height, follow them to witness a difference in your height.
Balanced Nutrition
A well-balanced diet is must for a healthy mind and body. Any deficiency in minerals, vitamins or protein will not only after your body function but also affects your height and overall growth. If the secretion of growth hormones is not proper, you can increase its secretion by following a balanced diet. So, it is essential to follow a balanced diet every day.
A balanced diet helps in improving blood circulation, improves metabolic rate and also helps in building stronger and longer bones. Diet rich in calcium, vitamin D, other vitamins, proteins and fatty acids assist in increasing height. You must take food rich in vitamins, proteins, and fatty acids. Sometimes only food is not enough to provide the essential proteins and vitamin. If you are not sure about your diet then consults and nutritionists to for a diet chart. And if the nutritionist gives you a multi-vitamin then make sure you take it religiously.
Adequate Sleep
Many ignore sleep either due to hectic lifestyle or just to enjoy the night life. But you would be amazed to know that sleeping habit plays an important role in increasing height. It is during sleep when the body repairs, rejuvenates and does other important functions.
It is studied that children grow during sleep. And for adults a maximum of uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep every day. Sleeping posture is also an important factor that needs to be considered during sleep. You should lie down on your back on the bed. Don’t take a pillow under your back. Place a pillow under the knees to elevate it. This is the best posture for sleep that supports the spine and supports disks. This further helps to increase height and minimize the chance of having back injuries or pain. So, follow the sleeping posture for a better health and height.
Sun Light
As other vitamins and proteins are required for height increase so is Vitamin D. It helps in the absorption of calcium which is needed for the healthy bone development. The best source of vitamin D is sunlight. Therefore, you must go out in the sun every day at least for 30 minutes. You can just sit outside, jog or walk in the sun. The best time to absorb the sun light is the early morning when it is not too bright.
You should also increase the intake of vitamin D rich foods like milk, egg, fish, and cheese. Even after doing all this, if you vitamin D level in the blood is lower than the normal level then you can consult a physician for vitamin D supplement.
Practice Stretches
Stretching your body is a good way to push your body to grow. It helps to release the tension and relaxes the muscles. Regular practice of stretching exercise helps to increase your body height. It eases the tension in the lower back.
You must practice stretching 15 minutes every morning for better results. Doing yoga poses is also a great way to stretch your body. There are different poses in yoga that stretch your body very firmly. Surya Namaskar is one of them. It is a set of 12 yoga poses that perfectly stretched your body and relaxes it.
While all the above points are very important to follow to increase height, there is one thing that you can’t ignore to increase your height and keep your body fit. Yes, exercising is very important to keep yourself healthy and fit. There are several exercises that help to increase height. So, you must practice them every day religiously if you are keen to increase your height. Listed here are some of the exercises that you can practice to increase height.
Hanging Exercises
Hanging exercises are best types of exercises that you can practice to increase your height. It helps to strengthen your lower back and add muscles. The knock-on effect is a great posture to add muscle to your body and between the vertebrae.
It is found that height of humans differs around an inch during the day. During sleep, the spine is stretched completely. And when the body in the standing position, the height compresses due to the body weight. So, the height is reduced during the day. Therefore, performing exercises during the day helps the body to stretch out and adds height to the body.
Bar Hanging
Bar hanging is a type of hanging exercise that immensely helps in increasing height. Hanging a horizontal bar stretches the body. It works by making your body pulled down by the gravity and helps to increase your height by compressing the spines and joints. Hanging a bar further stretches the lower torso weight from the spine. Overall, hanging a bar may help to increase 1 to 2 inches gradually.
Make sure that the horizontal bar is placed at a height that it is comfortable for your body to stretch. Grasp the bar while your palms facing outwards. Hang in this pose for about 20 seconds and repeat the pose for at least 3 times a day for a fast and better result.
Dry Land Swimming
Undoubtedly, swimming is the best form of exercise for the body, whether it is for increasing height or losing weight. Dry land swimming is a kind of exercise that imitates the swimming posture on the land. It is also called as “alternate kick” which stresses on the lower back.
To perform this exercise, lie down on your back on a mat on the ground. Extending the body, place the arms beside the body and palm should face down facing the floor. Now light the left arm little high than the right arm. Then raise your right leg above the ground. Stay in this pose for 4 secs and then do the same position with the other hand. Gradually try to stay in this posture for 20 seconds.
Pelvic Shift
The pelvic shift is the simple form of exercise that helps to stretch the body parts like spine and hips. To do this exercise, lie on the back and put your shoulder and arms on the floor. Then fold the knees and pull your feet close to your buttocks as much as you can. Curve your back to push your pelvis upwards. Hold the position for 20 to 30 minutes. It provides a good stretch on the lower part of the body.
Cobra Pose
This is a yoga pose that allows the spines and improves the blood circulation in the lower portion of the body. It further helps in the cartilage growth in the vertebrae and aids in the increase of vertical height. To get into the position, lie down on the floor with your palms placed down under the shoulders. Your face should look down. Now curve the spine up by lifting the chin and make an elevated angle with the back. Curved the back as much as possible. Repeat the position for 3 to 4 times and stay for 10 to 20 seconds in this position.
Super Cobra Pose
This posture is similar to the cobra pose but with it is little more elevated from the ground. Keep your body in the cobra pose. Then bend the hips and form an upturned V position with the body. Make sure, you tuck your chin against the chest. Repeat the position for 3 to 4 times and try to stay in the position for 10 to 20 secs.
One Leg Hopping
This is also a simple form of exercise that can be easily done anytime and anywhere. To do this exercise, stand with your back straight, and then hop your left leg and hands pointing to the sky. Similarly, repeat the pose with the left leg. Do the bouncing exercise for at least 8 times. It is actually good for leg strengthening, the release of growth hormones and brain development. So, overall, it aids in increasing the height of the body.
Pilates Roll Over
Pilates roll over is the form of the exercise that helps to widen your spine and aids to lengthen the upper part of the body. It has also found that this exercise assists in increasing the length of the vertebrae and neck.
You can do the exercise by lying down on your back with the arms on the sides of the body and palms facing down. Keep the legs together and straighten them up towards the ceiling. Bend the legs so that they touch the floor. Initially, you may not be able to touch the floor. But gradually with practice, you would be able to touch the floor. Actually, the maximum you are able to stretch the body the further your body will get lengthens.
Forward Spine Pose
Forward Spine is another simple yet effective exercise that can be easily performed at home. The best part is that you can do it anywhere without the help of any machines or equipments. You just need to sit on a mat in a straight position spreading the legs in the front. Keep the legs around shoulder distance apart and flexed the feet. Now while inhaling spread the arms and bend forward to touch the tips of the toes.
You need to stretch the spine to bend and touch the tips of the tip. The maximum you bend the more the exercise is effective for you. Initially, it may be difficult to the touch the toes. But with continuous practice, you would be able to touch it easily.
Cat Stretch
Cat stretch is a very effective exercise to increase the blood circulation and relaxing the back. It basically opens up the chests, shoulders, palms, and back. It also stretches the hamstrings and stomach.
To take up this position, you need to keep the hands and knees on the ground while locking the arms. While inhaling flex the spine and exhaling bring the spin up to a curved position. You should look down at this position. Your shoulders should be elevated and elbows must be elongated. And the pelvic bone should touch the ground. Repeat the position for 4 to 5 times and stay in the position for 5 to 10 seconds.
The Bow Down Pose
Bow down is a popular exercise which is commonly practiced by many people. And it is really an effective exercise to increase height. This exercise can also be done anywhere and you don’t need any equipment to do it.
You can do the exercise by standing straight with the hands on the hips. Then slowly bend forward as much as possible. You head should also bend and look downwards. It is important to keep the knees unfolded while you do this pose. And always try to place your chin on chest. You can repeat the exercise for 5 to 6 times depending on your stamina. And stay in the position for at least 5 to 10 seconds. You can also try the modified version of the exercise that is forward bending along with this for a better result.