Tips to Look Gorgeous in Summer Wedding
Indian weddings are always one of the most beautiful occasions but too hectic as well. And especially when it is planned in Summer, it’s quite synonymous to a dreadful exam. You are ready with the special wedding trousseau carrying a heavy wedding lehenga, best makeup kit (suitable for your skin), shoes, ornaments and so on. But are you sure enough that you have taken precautions to maintain your mesmerizing look on your Big day? If not, we are up with the best tips to make your wedding day special and perfect.
Let’s take a look.
Water should be on the top of your list:
Water is life and your best friend too. Generally, it is said that you need to drink 2 to 2.5 liter of water regularly to keep your system go on smoothly. If not throughout the year, you must follow this rule at least one to two months prior to your wedding. This will help in clearing all your skin impurities, improve digestion, prevent pimples, acne and other skin problems and last but not the least, keep you look refreshed. Drink a good amount of water during the daytime minimum 2 months prior to your wedding for better result.
Let your skin breathe:
Stop using foundation, compact, liner, mascara and all other cosmetic products that you keep using on regular basis and let your skin breathe. Since you have been applying these makeup products for long, it’s time to give your skin enough time to repair itself. Just take an umbrella and wear sunscreen before stepping into the sun to avoid tanning or further damage. To get rid of the pollution particles, cover your face with a cotton scarf while the sun shining in its full glory.
Change your diet into light one:
This one is especially for foodie girls out there! No more spicy food, cold drinks, pizza, burger or your hot favorite ‘biryani’, at least until you are getting married off to your ‘sasural’. Rely on fresh fruits, veggies, fruit juice, dry fruits and other healthy food items (this list can include boiled chicken, fish, soya bean, egg etc. for the non-vegetarians). They will keep you energetic, away from indigestion and lot more facilities become visible when you start living on a healthy diet. The lesser oil you intake, the more attractive you look.
Add exercise to your daily schedule:
Exercise not only helps in getting a toned body but it helps you become more attractive. You might not believe but physical exercise provides a better glow to your skin. It emits toxins from your body and makes it look healthier.
Change your hair and skin care regime:
You simply can’t neglect your skin. Maintain a strong skin care regime that will include scrubbing, moisturizing, toning, exfoliation and cleansing. Exfoliate your skin at least twice a week to remove the dead cells and brighten up your skin. Moisturizing is the key factor in keeping your skin glowing always. Invest on good scrubber and moisturizer to avoid any further skin issues. You may opt for homemade skincare methods also for an effective and natural result. Tomato juice, lemon juice, cucumber, milk, honey (for dry skin only) and many other natural ingredients are available in your kitchen to make you look more beautiful. For instance, you can apply cucumber juice to your oily skin for toning it whereas milk can nourish dry skin cells. Know your skin type first and then proceed. One more thing you must keep in mind while experimenting new products on your skin. Have minimum 5-6 weeks at hand before your wedding day for any new experiment. It goes for the new waxing and pedicure or manicure treatments as well.
Give your hair hot oil therapy, massage and good hair pack for a healthy volume. If you are planning for new hairstyle, have ample time at hand. Get an appointment with your preferred salon expert and continue hair-repairing treatment for 2-3 weeks to revive your silky smooth hair.
Enough of wedding preparation tips we guess. Now leave all your worries behind and get ready to enjoy every moment of your wedding ceremony. And since it’s going to be during summer, try to serve lighter food to the invitees.
Happy mingling!