All About Post-Pregnancy Fashion – Look What Is At the New Mom’s Store
“A baby’s born in the middle of the night, In local delivery room….. They grab his feet, smack him till cries, He goes home the next afternoon. Fore you know it he’s off to school and graduates in May…goes out and gets a Ph.D. and cures all sorts of things.. Wins a Nobel prize and saves a million different lives…the world’s better place for all he has done. It’s funny when you think the reason he’s alive…It’s all because two people fell in Love.”
The above lines are written and sung by the famous singer Brad Paisley and as true as the heavenly feeling when a woman becomes the mother for the first time and has a sweet baby made with two different dreams commonly attached and with the prospect of raising a little seed to a future tree of life. However, for a mother right fashions during post-pregnancy phase may come out to be a great challenge as her physique goes through substantial changes. Alterations become prevalent in different sectors ranging from belly to shoe size. None of the old clothes does fit the size at all and these new changes may really baffle the fashion sense of a new mother. It is why in order to come out as a fashionable mother; you need to be aware what may come suitable to spice up your post-pregnancy wardrobe.
Go with Changes and Look For A New Pair Of Footwear:
At first taking into account the significant physical changes a mother witnesses after giving birth of a child, you need to provide yourself some time before you go to buy a new stock of clothes because it takes a time of about a week for the uterus to get back to its usual pre-baby size. But you need to prepare to buy a new pair of shoes. It is because during pregnancy a woman’s feet generally inflate and due to this after becoming the mother, you may have permanently larger feet. It is why rather than assuming that your shoe size has not gone through any change, you should measure it properly and go for buying a cute new pair.
Look What’s Has To Be Of New Size:
On the other hand, after you give birth to a baby, your breasts are found to be agonizing and swollen and they may even emanate or gets crumpled while you are breastfeeding your child. So while buying new sets of bras and tops you need to keep this in your mind. At this point of time, while standing in front of the mirror you may discover yourself in a completely new look, you may look transformed from the shape of a pear to an apple. But be pleased to embrace this motherly look. Added to this, to withstand the subsequent protuberances, you may go for flowy tops, especially of empire waists which would underline the curves but your unflattered swellings would not be noticed and ensure you an adorable look.
About The Cardigan and Post-Pregnancy Dressing Colour:
During this post-pregnancy, actually, fashions are meant to be hiding the lumping of the belly. It is why Cardigans would play a significant role in your wardrobe during this time. Especially for a few weeks after giving birth to your baby, this will help you to conceal your excruciating and dripping breasts as well. During this time you need to be also choosy about the colour. So while buying new clothes, always go for black, navy blue or other deep colours which may assist you to camouflage your post-pregnancy unfavourable alterations in your figure.
Shapewear with Its Invariable Role:
Here you may ask, if you need to buy a whole new stock of clothes, then what will you do with your favourite pre-pregnancy jeans, do you have no other way but to discard them? Absolutely not, where there is a will, there is a way. And here the way is shown by the shape wear. If you try this staple, you may easily put on your pre-pregnancy old jeans and fittings would be no such issue there. Added to this there are wrap shirts which you may try too because it can actually help to reduce the post-pregnancy bulges through curves get highlighted.
Regarding the Other Accessories:
There is another alternative if you like to cover most of your skin. Tunic Sweaters are so helpful in this case. Those sweaters are quite comfortable and the length of the sweater resists the attention of others from your post-pregnancy bulges. Comfort and fashion also get combined together in case of stretchy clothes which you may also choose to wear. Regardless of the fact how different you look during this post-pregnancy time, you also need to consider that you are the luckiest one who has been provided with the greatest gift of nature. So all you need to become proud of your motherly shape and appreciate it. So in order to appreciate your new figure, you may go for shapeless clothes rather than drapery fabrics or another type of dresses.
Let’s Spice It up With Chics:
Hey look, yesterday you were somewhere different but now you have become a busy and responsible mother. So you would not get enough time to disburse to pick out the perfect one from your wardrobe for yourself. So what you can do is to buy some chic accessories which would be comfortable for your outfit and spice up your appearance. It is as follows:
- Suppose you are going to wear a solid sweater, then you may apply a colourful scarf on it.
- While you are going to put on a flowy dress, you may put a wide and fashionable belt around your waist which would help you to elucidate your waist and cover your midsection.
- You may also try sparkling earrings, bangles, and bracelets because it will divert other’s attention to your ears and arms rather than your abdomen.
Fashion Is Actually About The Confidence:
From the above discussion, it may be concluded here that now you are a responsible mother and you have a junior to be taken care of. So at first you need to be confident that you feel comfortable in whatever you put on. There is an option here. You may also go to your tailor and ask him or her if any alteration could be possible which would help to fit the previous favourite clothes. There are a lot of things from where you can gain your inspiration because always keep this in your mind that conceiving a baby does not mean that you will never be able to dress as you used to do like your favourite celebrity.
So you may flip through the pages of magazines like ‘People‘, ‘US Weekly‘, ‘Vogue‘; there you would find a lot about the celebrity mothers and you would come to know about what they are wearing. Last but not the least, with the days when you get some spare time, you should go for regular work out like walking for a while or simply jogging which will help you to get rid of your mother belly.